Extraordinary Profound Iconoclastic
In these philosophic and profound tales inspired by true events, Leven dramatically depicts the consequences of bungling
or fouling-up major life decisions. The two short stories deal with the themes of the law, mysogyny, secondary education,
and medical malpractice.
Susan, an educated, intelligent, young woman, even after her university graduation, is unable to decide upon a career.
With the help of her family, she looks back into her childhood for answers, and chooses an ill-fated career in public education.
Janet, a single, older woman, after losing a breast to cancer, makes the once-in-a-lifetime decision to pursue a medical
malpractice case against her doctors, and becomes entangled and exasperated with the law and lawyers.
Having twice taken courses in Objectivism with the famous author Ayn Rand lecturing, Leven's iconoclastic ideas and dark
portrayal of life often shatter the commonly accepted truisms and stale platitudes by which we live today.